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Anesthesiologist Salary

Anesthesiologist Salary By Percentile
Percentile 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
Hourly Wage $64.96 $90.00+ $90.00+ $90.00+ $90.00+
Annual Wage $135,100 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+

How much do anesthesiologists make? Anesthesiologists are physicians who are charged with administering anesthesia to patients during surgery or other medical procedures. They must be alert to changes in the patient’s vital signs that may indicate that the patient is not tolerating the anesthesia well. Anesthesiologists must hold a doctoral degree in medicine and must complete a residency program. They must also pass the medical licensing exam, obtain board certification in anesthesiology and meet any additional state requirements. A breakdown of the full process of becoming an Anesthesiologist can be found here.

Anesthesiologist Salary

According to figures from the U.S. Department of Labor, the lowest 10% of anesthesiologists earn under $135,110 per year, whereas the top 10% earn up to $408,000 per year. The median annual earnings, defined as that figure where half the experienced anesthesiologists earn less than that amount and half earn more, is $292,000. Anesthesiologists’ salaries are among the highest of all U.S. professions.

Variables Impacting Salary

There are many variables impacting salary earnings for anesthesiologists. Here are a few considerations that someone interested in becoming an anesthesiologist may wish to keep in mind.

  • Full v. Part Time Employment – An anesthesiologist who works part time instead of full time will necessarily earn less annual income. Anesthesiologists typically work at least 40 hours per week, although many work overtime. An experienced anesthesiologist earns more than someone entering the field.
  • Specialties – Some anesthesiologists choose to operate in a specialized area of practice, such as pediatric anesthesiology. Although working in a specialized field often results in higher pay in most professions, anesthesiologists with a few years of experience tend to earn the highest salaries, regardless of specialty.
  • Geographic Area of Practice – Anesthesiologists working in Pennsylvania earn the highest salaries; the lowest salaries are earned by anesthesiologists practicing in Mississippi. Anesthesiologists working in rural locations usually earn less than those working in metropolitan areas.

Employment Opportunities

Many anesthesiologists work in private practice, hospitals or surgical centers. Anesthesiologists in private practice have reported working up to 80 hours in one week with extended periods of time spent on call. Anesthesiologists working for universities earn less than those who work in private practice.

Job Outlook

The job outlook for anesthesiologists is very good, as job opportunities are expected to increase by 18% between 2012 and 2022.

Salary Data – How Much Do Anesthesiologists Make?

Top Paying Industries

Industry Employment % of industry employment Hourly mean wage Annual mean salary
Offices of Physicians 25,180 1.04 $117.68 $244,780
Outpatient Care Centers 510 0.08 $111.82 $232,580
Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals 170 0.07 $101.13 $210,360
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals 3,360 0.06 $91.31 $189,920
Offices of Other Health Practitioners 210 0.03 $79.91 $166,210

Salary By State

State 10% 25% Median 75% 90% Jobs (2010) Jobs (2020) Outlook
Alabama $170,300 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,010 1,330 +31%
Alaska $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 30 30 +32%
Arizona $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 840 1,180 +41%
Arkansas $138,400 $167,800 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 140 150 +7%
California $52,200 $176,100 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 5,800 6,800 +17%
Colorado $134,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 710 900 +27%
Connecticut $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 600 760 +26%
Delaware $97,200 $127,300 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 130 150 +18%
District of Columbia $166,600 $166,600 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 80 90 +13%
Florida $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,820 2,270 +25%
Georgia $120,800 $158,800 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 680 890 +32%
Idaho $145,000 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 110 140 +25%
Illinois $159,700 $173,500 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,920 2,230 +16%
Iowa $132,400 $175,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 230 280 +23%
Kansas $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 500 630 +27%
Kentucky $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 780 1,000 +28%
Louisiana $125,800 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 440 500 +15%
Maine $171,300 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
Maryland $38,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
Massachusetts $65,400 $115,800 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 700 800 +14%
Michigan $181,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,190 1,340 +12%
Minnesota $158,600 $177,200 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 760 990 +30%
Mississippi $19,400 $70,500 $160,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ 230 260 +16%
Missouri $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 860 1,000 +16%
Montana $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
Nebraska $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 280 330 +15%
Nevada $157,100 $164,100 $175,900 $187,200+ $187,200+
New Hampshire $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
New Jersey $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,060 1,200 +13%
New Mexico $143,100 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 270 310 +16%
New York $54,100 $175,500 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 2,990 3,690 +23%
North Carolina $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 760 910 +19%
North Dakota $158,400 $170,200 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 50 60 +16%
Ohio $60,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,070 1,290 +21%
Oklahoma $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 150 180 +23%
Oregon $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
Pennsylvania $186,900 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 1,480 1,610 +9%
Rhode Island
South Carolina $158,200 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 670 840 +26%
South Dakota 30 30 +14%
Tennessee $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
Texas $87,800 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 3,730 4,840 +30%
Utah $103,800 $113,300 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+
Vermont $168,400 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 110 120 +11%
Virginia $164,700 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 930 1,260 +35%
Washington $169,200 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 670 800 +19%
West Virginia $56,000 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 80 90 +14%
Wisconsin $171,000 $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 410 460 +13%
Wyoming $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ $187,200+ 70 90 +34%


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